


It’s like there was this other world.

I quickly believed each thing I saw.

As if it had always made sense,

Even the impossible.

Even the nonsensical.

All the wonderful things that occurred

(along with the terrible)

without reason,

but not without response.

The whole point was to respond.


Until I heard a bustling,

At first, a discomfort,,


Out of alignment with the reality that I now see less clearly.


A blurry world.

A bright world.



A clear world.

With solid edges

And some reasons for people and things.

No forced responses.

I just move through all the places

the faces.

I recognize them from a real past.

They are real real real.

The places, the faces, the object’s crisp outline.


Not a haze.

I have now a body, a decision.

And look! So do they!


And now this world has flowers!

And I can choose to live among them.



I just woke up.


And realized

Dreams are nice.

But until you awaken, you have no choice but to witness them.

No energy but to fold to their promptings.


Now, being awake…

You witness what you will,

And must fold to nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Miss Bailey, you, my friend, are a genius. I hope my comments continue to encourage you to keep posting these amazing poems because they have truly become my food for thought!
    We must fold to nothing, and instead interpret what we choose to see, for the art of perception is in our control.
    I love it. And you!

    Stay brilliant,


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