
the boy who looked daggers in thought.

I love you who walk alone frowning in thought.
You, whose eyes are crinkled around the problems of the world.
You who try to compose the solution in your mind, 
That the world's dissonance might one day be heard as harmony.

I love you who rely on yourself.
You who cannot and will not wait for the change,
But knows the power of one good man's hands.

I love you who are unsatisfied.
You are a poet twisting in stationary discomfort.
Your head aching with the depth of you dreams.

I love you who by your confusion prove that you understand so very much.
I cannot wait until the day that the answer finally occurs to you:
And you begin telling your friends.


  1. "You are a poet twisting in stationary discomfort."
    Breathtaking! Miss Bailey are you the one that rights those chicken soup for the soul books? Cause I feel thats what your blogs have become to me lol

  2. Your poetry speaks to me B. Bailey. I thought about this one alllll night before I went to sleep.


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