
Twilight contest (ie: why I will never be cool)

So I'm sitting in a service auction, minding my own business, when my friend Paul, whom I've known for a week at this point, flips his head around to randomly tell me there's a Twilight lookalike contest coming up in Provo. That's all he says.
"Oh? Really? And you think I should go?"

I didn't admit this then, but holy cow. I was excited. Finally a chance to cash in on my non-talent of having the same hair and head shape as Kristen Stewart. Woot. I went home and looked it up right away. It was the Very. Next. Day.

So lame am I, that I was the first person to show up to this gig. Alone, no less. My friend dropped me off at a contest... by myself. Even the people hosting the thing weren't there yet. Oh yeah: Serious. So I walked around the shops around looking as conspicuously Bella-esque as I ever have in my entire life.

Finally people showed up. The Barnes and Noble people, the 14 year-old super fans, and one twenty-something girl who made me feel like an even bigger dork than I already did. What's worse is that, in spite of my acknowledgment of said dorkiness, I was PROUD. I talked to the 14 year-olds. They thought I looked awesome. So I'm chatting with them, in a room full of lonely women, when I see a group come in from the corner of my eye.

It's 20 year old guys. Like a whole band of them, and the one girl who seems to have drug every one of them along. And then... Edward... Bahaha. They come in and sit down behind me. I get up to use the restroom. As I walk by, one of Edward's friends whispers Bella after me and tells me I look perfect.

When I came back from the restroom, some girls had come in and taken my seat. I left no sign I had been sitting there. So I sat next to the Edward clan. I look to my right and the best-looking Jane and Victoria I have ever seen are sitting two seats from me. Victoria even had that big white fury thing on.
And what?
"Woah, you even have red eyes! You look great."-says me.
Victoria turns to me and gives me the look of death.
Is she in character?
Or just a huge creep?

The judges called up the Edward lookalikes. I knew who my Edward was going to be. They asked if any of them wanted to give an Edward-speech. They were all dumb boys, and just said, "I'm Edward Cullen. Blah." I wanted more than anything in the world to storm up and do a scene with Edward. I was feeling theatrical. But I didn't. I didn't know what Edward would think of it. Haha. He won, easily. And when he came to sit back down, he sat right next to me. Like we were together. I liked that. Lol.

Then the Bellas went up. I went first, and stormed on stage to do what I had wanted to do with Edward: the I-know-what-you-are scene. I should have been nervous. I had never acted; I was in a room full of people I didn't know; I was dressed up as a teenie-bop movie character... But I wasn't nervous. I won.

Then the Victoria-girl won the female costume contest. She freaked me out a little. But after she won, she got really friendly with me, asked to take pictures with me and stuff. I think she was in character before.

That's about it.

Until! My roommate when to the midnight showing with me, since she helped me win the tickets. And she met Edward, blah blah, movie, blah blah. The end of my beautiful cast.

Then two days later she ran into the apartment after her guitar class. Apparently Edward is in her same guitar section. And is horrified that some girl who actually knows him in real life can testify of his lapse in general coolness by showing up to such an event.

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