
What is something you’ve always wanted to do?

Along the same lines as all my lovely friends answers to this question, I would probably steal the same answer. There are other things I would do too, but it’s late and I conjure any new creative thoughts right now.

But the answer… Reminds me of this daydream and night dream I’ve been stuck in lately. Have you seen inception? Because the dream I’m stuck in feels like that. It’s surreal… I first had it a couple months ago…

I had a dream that words didn’t exist,

And the miracle: that expression didn’t suffer one bit.

That ideas existed hanging in the air, in the yellow sunlight.

The yellow sunlight thick like fog. A haze of illumination…


I had a dream that to trade thoughts, feelings, and EVERYTHING occurring inside you, and to feel the very quiet middle of another person, I only had to see them. I only had to look at their eyes… No matter how far away they stood.

Or I only had to sit on park bench with them, not even to look and see them, but to place my hand on their resting hand.

No words.


I wake up trying to reconcile the experience of sitting contently in a world made of silent things and not caring at all that language had never been invented for us. Because I woke up to the remembrance that I LOVE language, I love rhetoric, and I love words.

Then to the realization that I don’t. I only love communion with my brothers and sisters.

I love us. So I chase after your souls by conversation, by words, by poems, and by talking to you, sure…

But I could have existed forever in that dream, in that sunlight, in the infinite and haunting and tender silence.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In regards to this post and the one on Love, you are inside of my head!!! I don't mind though. You should stay awhile :)

  3. "tender silence" :) I like. I must admit, I am a little jealous that you get to keep having this dream and we don't. But I'm glad you wrote about it for us! What a beautiful concept my deary.


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