
The Devil's Dream

A Timeless Song

I can't remember the facts,
But I remember the feeling.
Cause the cuckoo's song doesn't just predict the summer,
She causes it.
I remember the summer,
And all that it meant,
The second she sings her tune,
You can't continue to forget...

The future has already come.
The years so real and so near,
She sings them in,
Tomorrow the past is what we'll feel.
All these moments melt together into one brief eternity,
Taking forever to come,
And just seconds to be.

I wait all the moments of my life,
And in fact some waiting moments brought me here.
And I can see the cuckoo waking up,
To say summer will shortly be here.

"Chirpy tweet chirp,"
I remember when I first heard those words.

Keep singing.

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