

I asked him a question I shouldn’t have. 
Meant to wrap his life up nicely, made it easy, and moved along.
I asked him if it was gone.
Like a simple yes or no would help me understand.
What a thoughtless notion.
He shrugged. Crossed his fingers. And then told me a joke to make me happy.
And he showed me a song because he thinks he’s bad with words…

He let me have both headphones.
I listened alone.

“If I die young bury me in satin.
Lay me down in a bed of roses.
Sink me in the river at dawn,
Send me away with the words of  love song”

I have always found a good time out of digging up people’s hearts.
Poking around their souls in the dark.
Asking questions that have been long forgotten,
To see who they are and how they got there...

This was a simple question:
"Is it gone?"
How could that possibly lend itself to profundity?
He shrugged.
Crossed his fingers and shrugged.
And told me a joke to make me happy...
Not the usual explanation...

And here I am,
Quietly meditating on that reply.

And what I learned is that 
he is beautiful...

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